Over time I’ve written a lot of software that is useful or neat. Much of it was written for employers, but some of it I wrote in my own time. Here’s a few that I’m proud of:

object-graph mapper for JCR
OMF, short for Object Manager Framework, is a Java project that enables annotation driven mapping of POJOs to Java Content Repository structures. Mapped POJOs allow transparent access to the underlying graph storage with support for primitive types, Lists, and Maps. I built OMF while working on Adobe CQ systems; data access was always too cumbersome and led to very brittle, hard to compose code, so a framework that generates bytecode on the fly to abstract away the repetitive data access tasks seemed the obvious choice.

command line interface
Harbormaster is a tool I wrote because I found the Azkaban web UI too cumbersome and slow for day to day operations. In particular I found checking status of recurring jobs slow, and getting logs was annoying because they’re loaded via AJAX, so curling and piping to other tools was not possible either.