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Pages tagged with "XSLT":

Date Arithmetics in XSLT 2

02 Apr 2013 , tagged: XSLT, XML, XPATH

Now here’s something I didn’t know: XSLT 2 and XPath actually support date arithmetic! Took me a while to figure it out, but here’s how it works. First, all your dates will have to be in ISO-8601 format. For dates only it looks like this: YYYY-MM-DD and for dates and times, like this: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sssZ. There’s a few other formats, but these are the ones that probably cover all use cases.

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Building a CMS with XML, XSLT, Ant, and ImageMagik

03 Jan 2010 , tagged: XSLT, XML, Ant, Air, CMS, Content Management, ImageMagik, Saxon, Web Development, XHTML, XSLT2.0

Not so long ago a freelance client approached me with some updates for their website. The site has been growing organically since 2000 and therefore was a big mess. Several attempts to port the site to a CMS driven system failed largely because those CMS systems are usually to complex for our needs (Typo3) or not flexible enough (Joomla, WordPress). So as I was faced with updates to all the updates including image updates which in turn needed thumbnails to be generated.

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